
Showing posts from January, 2019

Until next time

Time to march towards next year.
I was waiting to begin, as I always do.
And now the wait is over, and such
is my great privilege.
I heard on the radio that some
do not march toward the next year,
live only in the present, and that
is the wedge against happiness.
Isn't it funny, the appeal
of deprivation.
Well, I'll tell you what
it makes me mad!
To think a life could be so hard
that one might not have the room
to say "this year blank verse but
next year, finally, a villanelle!"
I heard this on the radio,
such horror, and here I am
becoming middle-aged. Or not? Well,
I experience changes at last,
and see the gift in it,
and wish it for all my kin
and all their kin, and all
they've ever known or seen
forever, and ever, Amen.


Poverty's patron saint
is lining the floorboards with pennies.
insulation, protection, prayer
they drop into coffers below

In Harare, there was no more bread.
Shmica needs three dollars for a loaf.
She follows me through the apartment
fishing for quarters in jars.

Skills, risks and pleasures,
Hollibaugh gained from her
working class life. Shmica says
The lights will be on tomorrow
Okay, I am sitting up here.
Glowing screen, gripping plastic.

the ins & outs

squall or no squall
i'm all for you
teeth or no teeth
there is a difference
but still
i'm on your side
i'm loving the shape of your gums
i wish you still had teeth
and yet
here you are
and can i just stop
like that
with how things are between us?


let's lace our letters together
zigzagged through time
a love story told
on m&m wrappers
and photocopies
tied together with a string
plucked from the sidewalk
it had merged with


Can’t not demand that
there’s no wasted life –
but maybe this arrangement
is stubborn for a reason

The impossible feat
of making ghosts cozy
the sound of the tape gun
a life’s work

Perched on the bed edge
grasping at exceptions

This training is in the hemming
raw silk silver lining
upholstery from dream houses
set on fire


How do you
welcome guests
boil water
hang sheets
find keys
extract splinters
would you rather
be alone
sometimes I
still see her
driving away
yellow hair halo
solo dignity
cup balanced
on the dash


Obviously the DJs and the CEOS coordinate 
5 O’clock traffic jam
death wish inch worm community
polite, wild, free for a flash
at the 4 way stop
dying for a drink
electric coordinates
together in the crawl
uplifting cherry blossom radiance
of human sourced sound
make it home
in tact

Upstairs, living like a queen

Jacques knocking at the screen door and
I'm cooking, mustard seeds popping in the pan
Can we plug in here?
Get paid on Friday
Jacque's shifting in the shadows
Sharp sizzle. Burnt mustard.
I turn--grab the cord.

Ochsner Primary Care Center

stay vigilant, stay a
sentry of rumbles
guard at the border of every
twist, every twinge
betrayal is common
and can be deadly.

what did you look like
when you were well?
are you well now?
am i overreacting?

a woman in blue comes out
to call Mr. Sims.
she is wearing a tiara.
her arms and legs push
push at, against the blue
nestle and slide across eachother
she is loving the swell of her body.


I want to speak to you
without translation
I want to dispel nature
as a natural phenomenon
Nature is my vagina dentata
& I am his
We objectify then castrate
one another
I must exorcise this nature
He is a demon with many cloaks
I must exile this nature
from my temple

My temple is now & always
under construction
You will never view
My gilded vimana
My kaleidoscopic mandalas
will ever be obscured
from your desires

I invite you
to visit my bakery instead
It opens by 11 am
but the mutton won't be tender
for at least another hour
Your satisfaction
is guaranteed
to be tread upon
I wash my floors
with your satisfaction

I must disappoint you
If I don't disappoint you
then I disappoint myself
Disappointment is assured
With your permission
I will set sail in the morning
I'm gone
I don't need your permission

I will send you
the ineffable telegram
of my will
I will I will
My will is love
There I sent it
I want to love in a carnal frenzy
I want to be loved as I love
I am afraid of this love

In my admission
I have come too near to myself
The collision is frightening
& painful
I am totalled
That is my will
I love your total


Marie's hair is a parade
white catching up to pink
tumbling on brown.
Pulled back, the years of
squinting into windshields
are raked into her cheeks:
'14 a day is alright, if you gotta.'
Marie turns Arizona over
and around in her mouth.
'I'd've quit the circuit years ago
if it weren't for Arizona.'
All that coffee. That sky.

instagram selfie, plagiarized.

Is it me? 
Am I he? 
Is life slop? 
Is trash soup? 
Is soup life? 
Soup slop lief lop?

Galaxy Bar

thick tonic
thin wine
fists ricochet the table.

drunk poem #1

used loosely
get over it or
i did it so     so tired

i forget that i love to be touched

Jorge flicks the top of my arm every now and then to make a point
Hilary nuzzles into my chest when we find each other in the big room.
Sarah writes to ask how my neck is doing, meets my vulnerability with care
touches through screens the ache of my body.

data model

o little metadata person
not the object, are you?
Just the stuff about the stuff
no Gutenberg bible, are you?
Just the record for the priceless
thing and not the thing. 
Don't we all feel that way.
Aren't we all more record
than relic. Or are we? Am I
just projecting? If I am
I'm just data modeling
onto you. "Are you modeling
this out on me right now?"
That's me in an argument
I'll have some day. 


thank you for still texting me
thank you for waiting
i mean thank you for not being too mad that i am late again
i’m so icy hearted to this little warmth
able to drop it but not able to think that it’s good i guess
my coworkers are doing something that i can’t describe which is driving me crazy
obsessed with the vegan cafe and the bad comedy
i didn’t like n a n e t t e ? ?
but i love this silly podcast where a person is doing kind active listening
the plan is to not have a plan and also not have a plan that is anti the repetitive plan
just no plan
the plan is like what if i could solve one of these things
the formula is why why why and then pit two things against each other
and then realize i already did that
just constantly very mildly obsessed with where [the idea of kathleen hanna]
is popping up in the minds of whoever is smartest, what over the last ten years has mostly been replaced in my daily need to
space out with very niche twitter famous gay people
this is not really what i’m thinking about!
it’s really
actual ways that i might be bad!
future pain!
not really anything!
the bad plan!


i love poop
poop makes everything possible
everybody poops
at summer camp
we pooped in groups
sitting next to friends
as it should be
i love a good communal poop
chatting and giggling
as each poop plops below
even the word poop
i love
laughing about poop
and talking about pooping
i love that too
i pooped next to my boyfriend
when i brought him to a wedding
and it was in that pooping moment
that i knew
he was a keeper
i want to write
but i don't have a pen
i want to write
but the screen hurts my eyes
i want to write
but i have to pee
i want to write
but i can't focus
i want to write
but i have no ideas
i want to write
but i'm hungry
i want to write
but i'd rather watch tv
i want to write
but it's time to go
i want to write
but i have more excuses

Professional development

My lizard brain on the defense
my clumsy tongue 
my crude crayon drawing

We are in a cold basement 
talking about race
it seems we collude 
to contain the conversation to a day 
here and there 
those of us in white bodies 
have gotten good at holding things off
turning blind eyes
quickly nodding, when necessary 

My thoughts are drawn back 
to myself
my lizard brain
my clumsy tongue
the muscle to pull them away and listen --
without my guilt ballooning up to block the way
or my defensiveness looming large --
the muscle is weak
like drawing with my left hand.

On butcher paper we are to draw
an early experience with race
my crayons don't capture 
my blazing cheeks
sitting in the backseat with Nina
as my dad grips the steering wheel
and barks don't say that.
I didn't want a brown mask
I said,
because brown is ugly.
She was younger than me,
but does she remember?
What would she have drawn with crayons?
So far my lizard brain
my clumsy tongue
haven't dared to ask.

Are You Mad at Me?

Just taking it and apologising isn't enough,
I say sorry in my sleep,
it's water off my back,
it is said and I shuffle on.

I could actually parse why someone's mad,
and say it's not really me,
or take it on the chin,
understand it,
and remember.

Anger is like anything else,
so who's irritated, really?
And will I stop,
of course but 
clear away your eggshells first,
tiptoeing is a
miserable infinite spiral,
a flawless trap.

Good Morning, Marjorie

Paperboy, all my life,
though my bike's beneath the porch,
rusted out, spokes like
West Pier, Brighton,
splayed, the stanchions,
going, but a frozen
scattering in terror.

Getting up, feeling bad about
the wife, 
her dodging runaway
bush clippings
flying everywhere,
the shelled splinters of trench lumber,
children's gripes vanish
in the utterly banal hum,
of leaf blowers:
who was the poorly demon who
frog marched everyone down to
B&Q or wherever?
Deh not dee pot.

The only papers come in
a coupon clipping pettiness
devours Wednesday,
do I feel bad,
fuck it,
you accept price gouging
then you accept your
deal frenzy also.

Thanks for the new shower curtain,
it's why I awoke crying,
I love this place so much,
it pisses me off,
it's the world to me.


Yawn gulped street sweep
Chestbare stolid temple cadre
Neon sanctum gallow death
Saree array colorblind braille
Jasmine garland stench lapel

Yogurty skinpool lotion slick
Linen stuckback gutter ass
Huckster rickshaw pester damn
Lonesome dubbed rage carousel

Sunbeam laser-me-removal
Slimjim shadow wall haunt
Faint-weight stutter bout
Shit mare stomach refractions
Dog nap junk splay

2019: Get out when the time is right

20 years of resignation and then suddenly
it's over. The oven works again and
the whole time you said you couldn't
you could. At least that's what
they want you to think, THEM,
those that would shame your past
selves without congratulating the present.
The thing is, you really couldn't.
Even if you could. You
COULD stop screaming
for no reason, you COULD have never started
but what matters is
after some amount of time,
you did. Stop screaming.
No, YOU stop screaming. Right.
Now. Calm down. Ok, then
calm down when you can and
pretend it wasn't my idea, it
was yours. I know it was yours
20 years ago the oven stopped
regulating heat which is different
from breaking, in a way. It always
had the heat it just went too far,
it was a campfire. So for 20
years you have a non-working
working thing and you adjust,
and isn't that what it's all about?
I'm constantly screaming but I've
muffled my mouth so am I not
an adaptive, uniquely human
creature? Won't I survive the apocalypse
because I was raised to not worry too much
when things break (although otherwise yes,
to worry too much). Won't I survive
because unlike THEM I
just give up until it's time to change?
And then it's like there was no time
at all?


oh, uh, i didn't do it?
a core thing to learn about myself is
i think i will but then i won't but you know
still right now i'm like
well ok in the next 2 days i can do
one each for each person all poems are ever for
myself! and the high school buddies
you know
like it's going to be one
and now i can't be cagey that it's just about what
i've been thinking about myself lately and how much i <3 you

At sea

Gran Martha with the broken wheel heart
Sent across the ocean
12 years old
Short bangs and bobbed hair
You can’t mend it
Out to sea
And all alone
Bound loosely by

Legacies of cut ties 


The bright possibility of weather 
The ways we survived
Red pepper seeds cast on the sidewalk
I’ve always dwindled 

It’s what I do
I can picture looking back
On these days


Some clown
Is trying to inflate me
And twist me
Into a penguin

Three options

I am released in
A cyclone of gore

I pop

I am a penguin

Recalibrating Sentence Test

Friends, I'm home.
Reclined with blanket.
Cold and old and quiet.
Friends, I rode the train.
An act of decadence.
I eat whatever I please.
Strong and smart and tall.
I see a friend on the landing.
She is breathing.
Friends, forgive my absence.
There will be more.
I have lost all my resources.
I got lost in the woods.
I became simple.
I'm switching demographics.
It's busy work.
With no reward.
But blanket.

school marm

when you play the role of villain
it’s hard for the audience
to separate
the real you
from the villain


How often do you
Consider YOLO?
Chilling, ye?
How often are you
Allotted a coffin
With royal blue curtains
To pass the 12 hr bus ride?

Stage set
But not because we pass tuk tuks
On blind mountain switchbacks
Nor because
Opting for the lux ticket
On the iphone
Is particularly adventurous

Because for a moment
The Ghats were scattered
With little tissue fires
& the sun's dusky teeth
Were stained with beteljuice
& the farmers took scythes
To overgrown coffee shrubs
As biting red ants
Fell down their shirts
& everyone had the fever
The yips
The juice
The mud
For a moment i forgot
My sacred mantra


Driving self through dust
to taste the glow
of minutia
carrying self
through sleeplessness
to dreamlessness
missing the exhaustion
of walking up the hill
full on blackberries
stained and strained
nonstop premonition gossip 
if I hang around this place
for long enough
then I become the offering
pinch of coffee grounds
at Ethiopian Jazz Starbucks
cement dust eucharist for the 
23rd & Jackson construction zone
me in my coat , long past bedtime
this heavy desire for heavier bonds
loveliest creep
for hire.

Working groups

It was time to put to bed
Some old ideas
Who were tired
But grasping at straws
For reasons to be let on
Rambling about.

We met at the kitchen table
To discuss strategy
And cadence.
We were hoping not to loose
Of a shared goal.
In the end
Everyone left their tea cups on the table
For the host to tend to the next morning
And the meetings were on going
And the tired ideas were fighting
Hard as ever
But loosing their center
Towards a certain decline

(Feeling good)

Feeling good
Is good
Being good
Is better

Sometimes I can’t squeeze nuance
Onto a poem
Sometimes I find half eaten chocolates
 in my bag of pretzels.
A gift from myself
To myself
I am being good
To myself
But I hide the chocolates
In the dresser
Behind the towels
So I don’t have to share
Which is not good
And does not feel good
I am clawing around in the dark
Eating dark chocolate peanut butter cups
In the hallway


I saw your husband today
but he was very preoccupied
with conversations about work
and when I saw him again I asked about your son
but he kept walking and didn’t respond
and his best friend and I stood in the stairwell
and laughed and joked that
he was too excited about work to think about family
And then his friend walked away too

Dye job

I dyed my hair blonde but it came out too brassy
so I put blue food coloring in it
and some of it is blonde and some is white or grey and some is kind of green and some is lavender and some is blue and some is the same

The urban village

The urban village
Is stretched thin
And far
The noodles start
As a white liquid
Ladled on to a sheet
We are spread out
And crammed in
We take turns hiding
In our rooms
Waiting for silence in
The kitchen.

More mantras

The idea of chanting is appealing to me 
I went to an intro to meditation
They said
If I paid $400 I could find out my mantra
And I’ve always wanted to know my mantra
But I was busy with another self help group
With mantras galore -
So many to pick from
From NOTHING I am creating the possibility of EASE
You’re in your STORY again

Maybe I got my love of mantras from my mom
Who loves to say 
Shift for yourself 
Belly up to the bar

But no
We know it is from my dad
Who has spewed too many mantras to recount
Who speaks exclusively in mantras
Chants in basements
And never gets any better.

Free will astrology

I heard a podcast about free will
Which said we didn’t have any 
And made me feel very self conscious because
Apparently everything I was doing was preordained 
Just quarks bouncing against each other
Making the things I was doing
Happen to me
Cutting hastily again
Starting another project
Without finishing the last
Predictable to the stardust ions swirling inside me

Not divine as I had been told

Communication Styles

The house style is truncated,
or rather I overelaborate,
I'm not trying to charm snakes,
seem like one myself,
but if I've wadded my talk,
to deceive the x-ray,
it's just that I'm always
trapped in pleasing or
it feels that this is
only a truer path
than the one where I'm
callous or should I
just read my father's
health updates as the
purest statement of fact,
nothing but the whole truth,
and none of this circle talk,
of which I am fond.

meditation roar

When he meditates
he roars
like literally
he carries the pillow into the bedroom
shuts the door
for a little more privacy
And with closed eyes
And a few deep breaths
This horrifying
sound emerges from his chest
When he meditates
he very literally


From the pink slaughtershed
The butcher sweeps
Bloody water onto
Parched tongue road
Naked hooks dangle for me

Pepper vines crawl on teak
Rubber trees stain their bibs
Coffee plantation 
Sinks in the valley
Coconuts perch like snipers
In guard towers

The christians are christing
In the jungle
In the white sanctuary
Preacher probes the aisles
Familiar truth patina

Woe is me

It appears
The water vendor is a believer
She believes i can wait

Rift in wire fencing
Passage to the shore
Of Karapuzha dam
Through muddy grass
I achieve the marshland


With violet lotus flowers
White lotus flowers
Cranes feathering to dip
Their beaks and toes

Young girl 
Picks a purple bouquet
Offers it to me
I am ashamed