Good Morning, Marjorie

Paperboy, all my life,
though my bike's beneath the porch,
rusted out, spokes like
West Pier, Brighton,
splayed, the stanchions,
going, but a frozen
scattering in terror.

Getting up, feeling bad about
the wife, 
her dodging runaway
bush clippings
flying everywhere,
the shelled splinters of trench lumber,
children's gripes vanish
in the utterly banal hum,
of leaf blowers:
who was the poorly demon who
frog marched everyone down to
B&Q or wherever?
Deh not dee pot.

The only papers come in
a coupon clipping pettiness
devours Wednesday,
do I feel bad,
fuck it,
you accept price gouging
then you accept your
deal frenzy also.

Thanks for the new shower curtain,
it's why I awoke crying,
I love this place so much,
it pisses me off,
it's the world to me.


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