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Last Minute

I'm likely 85% ready in the
last five minutes,
then the cortisol high,
shocks me still,
I love my thoughts
slowing down in this,
which is
just the panic
and then the utilitarian calm
of what's done is done,
complete and on time,
is a filter,
a boring trick,
I have no need for
a steady heart rate.

Until next time

Time to march towards next year.
I was waiting to begin, as I always do.
And now the wait is over, and such
is my great privilege.
I heard on the radio that some
do not march toward the next year,
live only in the present, and that
is the wedge against happiness.
Isn't it funny, the appeal
of deprivation.
Well, I'll tell you what
it makes me mad!
To think a life could be so hard
that one might not have the room
to say "this year blank verse but
next year, finally, a villanelle!"
I heard this on the radio,
such horror, and here I am
becoming middle-aged. Or not? Well,
I experience changes at last,
and see the gift in it,
and wish it for all my kin
and all their kin, and all
they've ever known or seen
forever, and ever, Amen.


Poverty's patron saint
is lining the floorboards with pennies.
insulation, protection, prayer
they drop into coffers below

In Harare, there was no more bread.
Shmica needs three dollars for a loaf.
She follows me through the apartment
fishing for quarters in jars.

Skills, risks and pleasures,
Hollibaugh gained from her
working class life. Shmica says
The lights will be on tomorrow
Okay, I am sitting up here.
Glowing screen, gripping plastic.

the ins & outs

squall or no squall
i'm all for you
teeth or no teeth
there is a difference
but still
i'm on your side
i'm loving the shape of your gums
i wish you still had teeth
and yet
here you are
and can i just stop
like that
with how things are between us?


let's lace our letters together
zigzagged through time
a love story told
on m&m wrappers
and photocopies
tied together with a string
plucked from the sidewalk
it had merged with


Can’t not demand that
there’s no wasted life –
but maybe this arrangement
is stubborn for a reason

The impossible feat
of making ghosts cozy
the sound of the tape gun
a life’s work

Perched on the bed edge
grasping at exceptions

This training is in the hemming
raw silk silver lining
upholstery from dream houses
set on fire


How do you
welcome guests
boil water
hang sheets
find keys
extract splinters
would you rather
be alone
sometimes I
still see her
driving away
yellow hair halo
solo dignity
cup balanced
on the dash


Obviously the DJs and the CEOS coordinate 
5 O’clock traffic jam
death wish inch worm community
polite, wild, free for a flash
at the 4 way stop
dying for a drink
electric coordinates
together in the crawl
uplifting cherry blossom radiance
of human sourced sound
make it home
in tact

Upstairs, living like a queen

Jacques knocking at the screen door and
I'm cooking, mustard seeds popping in the pan
Can we plug in here?
Get paid on Friday
Jacque's shifting in the shadows
Sharp sizzle. Burnt mustard.
I turn--grab the cord.

Ochsner Primary Care Center

stay vigilant, stay a
sentry of rumbles
guard at the border of every
twist, every twinge
betrayal is common
and can be deadly.

what did you look like
when you were well?
are you well now?
am i overreacting?

a woman in blue comes out
to call Mr. Sims.
she is wearing a tiara.
her arms and legs push
push at, against the blue
nestle and slide across eachother
she is loving the swell of her body.


I want to speak to you
without translation
I want to dispel nature
as a natural phenomenon
Nature is my vagina dentata
& I am his
We objectify then castrate
one another
I must exorcise this nature
He is a demon with many cloaks
I must exile this nature
from my temple

My temple is now & always
under construction
You will never view
My gilded vimana
My kaleidoscopic mandalas
will ever be obscured
from your desires

I invite you
to visit my bakery instead
It opens by 11 am
but the mutton won't be tender
for at least another hour
Your satisfaction
is guaranteed
to be tread upon
I wash my floors
with your satisfaction

I must disappoint you
If I don't disappoint you
then I disappoint myself
Disappointment is assured
With your permission
I will set sail in the morning
I'm gone
I don't need your permission

I will send you
the ineffable telegram
of my will
I will I will
My will is love
There I sent it
I want to love in a carnal frenzy
I want to be loved as I love
I am afraid of this love

In my admission
I have come too near to myself
The collision is frightening
& painful
I am totalled
That is my will
I love your total